Young Adults
Welcome Millennials (1981 - 1996), and Gen Z (1997 - 2012).
Your generations have unique experiences, needs and concerns.
Welcome Young & Midlife Adults
It’s an exciting time to be a person under 50, but also a deeply stressful one, especially as you might think about your future and your place in the world. You have always lived in a world where you are connected to technology and have grown up with social media. You have experienced massive changes in technology use, employment options, job security, climate change, social awareness and social movements. Issues for clients in these age groups range from midlife and parenting issues to significant ecological anxieties, questioning/dissatisfaction of major systems/institutions and societal unrest. These two generations are called to activism and social justice movements unlike generations before them. They are the driving forces in in climate change activism but are also the generations whose futures are most impacted by the state of the world. It is a heavy burden to carry.
Despite my grey hair and Gen X status, I connect really well with young adults. I have extensive experience working with people born between 1981 and 2002 in the context of my 24 years as a Psychologist in a post-secondary institution. I love working with people in this age range given the diversity of what they are facing and the energy and enthusiasm they bring to therapy!