Individual Counselling
Expert psychological services tailored to you.
What You Can Expect
Evidence Based Practice Tailored to You
Evidence based practice is defined by the American Psychological Association as “the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture and preferences” (https://www.apa.org/practice/resources/evidence/). Although there may be many ways of working with clients that may be helpful to them, “empirically validated treatments” are approaches that have demonstrated effectiveness with the issue it is designed to address. I have advanced training in several empirically validated treatments that I may suggest for you.
As a starting point for individual therapy, I first work with clients to discover their personal perceptions about the cause for their presenting issues as well as what they feel they need from counselling in order to remedy their concerns. My conceptualization and psychological interventions that I may use are dependent upon several factors such as; the type of presenting problem, the client's experience of it and existing research relating to the effectiveness of different types of interventions for particular difficulties. Clients and I will then work together towards developing treatment goals. I may also include assessment tools as well as measures of feedback to ensure that goals are being met and that my clients feel we are moving in the right direction. Many clients will be encouraged to engage in activities outside of the session to assist them in reaching their counselling goals.
Warm Compassionate Care
It is normal and understandable to feel nervous before starting therapy. Meeting with a Psychologist for the first time can make you feel vulnerable, exposed, and anxious. If you have had past experiences in therapy that haven’t gone well, you might also have a lot of concerns about working with a new Psychologist. I appreciate and understand this. By natural disposition I am a friendly and warm and welcoming person. It is my job to make you comfortable and at ease, and to orient you to the therapy process. I am happy to answer all of your questions and concerns, and the work you do with me - we do at your pace.